KH Security Inc. provides professional, dependable security services in the Chicagoland area, safeguarding you and your valuables in various sectors, including retail and film. Our rigorously vetted, licensed, and insured guards, supported by a quick-response management team and a 24-hour dispatch center, ensure your unwavering protection through exceptional unarmed security and mobile patrol services.

1. We propose a consultation to evaluate security needs.

2. Our goal would be to develop a custom security plan that will meet the client’s needs.

3. Our outcomes will reflect an engaging presence with a competent security team supports.

Scope of Work

KH Security Inc provides best in class security services for businesses and industries around the Chicagoland area. Our qualified, well- trained and seasoned guards are second to
none. With over 10 years experience, our company is devoted to professional service as we provide public safety and protection for your needs.

Expert Security Services

Experience unparalleled safety with our efficient and professional security services, ensuring you and your valuables are protected in the Chicagoland area, spanning various sectors including retail and film.

Licensed, Bonded, and Insured Guards

KH Security Inc. guarantees your security with our licensed (No. 122.001388), bonded, and insured private guards, all professionally trained and intimately knowledgeable of industry laws and regulations.

Rigorous Guard Vetting

Rest assured with our exceptionally vetted security personnel, who undergo thorough background checks and complete supervision to maintain the highest standards of trust and reliability in safeguarding your interests.

Vigilant Protection

Day or night, our quick response management team and 24-Hour Dispatch Center stand ready, ensuring consistent, vigilant, and rapid response to all security needs and patrol services.